Wild cranberries

Wild cranberries


Miles Today: 18.6

Mile Marker: 2,069.2

Today was Cheese’s 30th birthday.  He said 29 was a good year, and he was happy to be on the trail celebrating it.  His original plan was to be finished by now, but things change and he wasn't worried about it.  We'll get him his favorite things in town tomorrow.  Gatorade and milkshakes.

The weather was perfect and the trail was relatively easy.  We had one ascent in the morning, but the rest of the day was nice and smooth.  There were two river crossings that officially have to be forded, but were actually able to be done by rock hopping.  I bungled the first one and got my shoes wet.  The second one was much easier.  We had loose plans of where to camp after the river, but when I got there someone was already set up.  I found a spot about a half mile further, but I think I may have lost everyone.  We're all nearoing in Monson tomorrow, so it's not a big deal.  It just feels weird to have caught them and then inadvertently ditched them the next day.
