Day 9: 8/14/20
Start time: 6:45 A.M.
Finish time: 5:30 P.M.
Total time: 10 hours 45 minutes
Mile Marker: 206.3
Miles Hiked Today: 21.4
This morning the trail and the weather made up for yesterday. I only had 4 miles to get over Forester Pass and I was there by 8:30 A.M. The rest of the day was mostly cruising on incredibly well maintained trail.
Around 3:30 P.M. a thunderstorm rolled in to let me know who was still in charge. It lasted about an hour and then moved on. Tomorrow I have 4 miles until the official end of the JMT on Mount Whitney. I'll then have to hike another 10 miles to Whitney Portal and try to catch a hitch to my motel. I can't begin to explain how excited I am about the prospect of a shower.